
biBERK Insurance Alternative

biBERK Insurance Alternative

Listen, California dreamers and business builders, you’ve worked hard to get your venture off the ground. Now, let’s talk about protecting it. You need insurance, sure, but why settle for generic, one-size-fits-all coverage? That’s what biBERK offers – a quick online quote, some basic boxes ticked, and maybe a pat on the back. Here at 18 Insurance, we see things differently. We’re Californians, just like you. We understand the sunshine and the earthquakes, the hustle and the chill. We get that your business is unique, and your insurance shouldn’t be a cookie-cutter job.

Think of biBERK like a burger joint with a drive-thru. Fast, efficient, but nothing to write home about. At 18 Insurance, we’re more like your favorite local diner. We take the time to chat, understand your business goals, the risks you face, and what keeps you up at night. We know a coffee shop owner in Venice Beach has different worries than a tech startup in San Francisco. We’ll tailor a policy that fits you just right, like the perfect cup of joe or a foosball break in the office.

Sure, biBERK might seem cheaper upfront. But is it really?  Their automated system might miss something crucial. What happens when a California wildfire threatens your property, or a customer trips and sues? BiBERK’s pre-fab policy might leave you scrambling. At 18 Insurance, we have real, live humans who know California insurance inside and out. We’ll explain your policy in plain English, answer your questions after hours, and be there to fight your corner if things go south.

We believe in building relationships, not just selling policies.  Consider us your insurance wingman. We’ll be there to celebrate your wins and help you navigate the bumps in the road. We’re invested in your success, because when California businesses thrive, we all thrive. So, ditch the impersonal online quote and come down to 18 Insurance. Let’s grab a coffee, talk shop, and build an insurance plan that protects your California dream, the way it deserves.